What to Pack in Your Diaper Bag
Diaper Bag Must Haves:
First thing is first…finding the right diaper bag! You need a bag that is not too big, but is still big enough to carry everything you need for baby and for yourself. Of course you’ll need a stylish diaper bag since it’ll act as your purse for the next few years.
I recommend Kutsie Baby’s Amy Michelle New Orleans Diaper Bag. It comes with a changing pad and plenty of pockets, inside and outside, to fit your needs.
Next, would be to have diapers. Depending on how long you plan on being away from home, I’d say between 6-8 diapers if you’re planning on being out of the house for more than a few hours. Along with diapers, you must have some wipes. There are wipes cases that fit little amounts of wipes. I prefer to just use a resealable package from Huggies or Pampers. If you are going on a short outing The Diaper Clutch is great! Don’t forget about your diaper rash cream & baby powder! You don’t need to carry around a huge tube or tub of it, just a small travel size will do.
If you’re planning on breastfeeding, you’ll need a nursing cover, the Babee Covee is great because it saves space and money! It serves as a nursing cover, infant carseat cover, stroller blanket, playtime blanket, shopping cart cover, and highchair cover. Back to our list, some burp cloths, an extra pair of nursing pads, and possibly another shirt just in case the one you’re wearing gets messy. If you are not nursing make sure you pack extra bottles, water, formula.
The baby will need an extra outfit or two or three! Plan on packing 1 or 2 extra onsies, some pants, socks, an extra hat, and even a blanket to keep the baby warm (remember the Babee Covee can also act as a blanket!).
A bottle of water and some healthy snacks should definitely be included in your diaper bag, too.
Just in case baby doesn’t feel well while you’re out, then you should pack some gas drops, and Tylenol or Motrin.
Lastly don’t forget some hand sanitizer to keep your hands clean, and any one else’s before touching your newborn.
Some other options include 1-2 extra pacifiers, toys (such as rattles and teethers), disposable diaper bags, nasal aspirator (NoseFrida) and tissues.
You do not need to pack a ton of items in your diaper bag. Its best to just pack for the day so you know that you’ll have everything you’ll need! (plus you want to be able to carry it!)
Visit Blissful Belly Blog for more great advice!

Such a great list. Will be looking at again in a few months!